Paint Finishes: How They Differ and How to Choose the Right One
When you make the choice to paint, whether it's a single room or an entire building inside and out, your first thought is likely the colors you want. Of course, color is the first consideration, and picking your palette is important. However,...

Selling your Home? Painting Ideas to Increase Curb Appeal
When the time comes to sell your home, you want to make improvements that lead to a quick sale, but that also provide a decent return on investment. Many homeowners focus on their home's interior. That makes sense, it is the area where you...

The 60-30-10 Rule: How Interior Designers Work with Color
Designers employ the 60-30-10 rule in both residential and commercial settings, because it is extremely effective at creating a unified, attractive space. Either the client or the designer chooses three colors. The color chosen as the dominant...
Abrasive a•bra•sive \ə-ˈbrā-siv\ adjective A tool used to wear away a surface by rubbing. Examples include steel wool, sandpaper, and powdered pumice. The carpenter used sandpaper because it is an excellent abrasive for removing minor dents in...

Painting Contractors For All Your Commercial and Residential Needs
If you're looking for Painting Contractors in Phoenix, AZ, look no further than CBP of Arizona – our quality work can be seen throughout the region for homes, businesses of all sizes, and community centers. Our custom work will be done to your...

When Should I Repaint the Exterior of My Business?
Regardless of where you live in the United States, or the world for that matter, the unique climate patterns you experience will damage the exterior of your business premises, and nothing puts potential customers off more than a shabby-looking...

What Kind of Paint Do You Recommend for Commercial Buildings?
Experienced commercial contractors only use paint from top brands, such as Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore. Beware of low-cost contractors, as they typically use cheaper paint to reduce their overhead expenses. When you consider the fact...

How Do You Professionally Prepare the Surface for Paint?
Commercial contractors use various techniques learned from decades of preparing surfaces for painting, and here are a few of the most commonly used: Sanding: Sanding the area for paint feathers out chipped paint and provides a better surface...

How Does the Weather Impact the Exterior Paintwork You Perform?
When it comes to painting the exterior of a business, keeping an eye on the weather is critical. For the paint to dry as fast as possible, contractors will avoid working when the temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit or if it is above 90 degrees. The latter is a...

How Do You Ensure the Paint Bonds to the Surface Properly?
High-quality commercial contractors don’t come cheap because they know all the tricks of the trade. A trick the pros use is to ensure they pick a powerful primer to add before applying the paint. Most people think primers are just diluted...