by CBP of Arizona | Dec 4, 2017 | Commercial Painting, Residential Painting
To many people, there’s no comparing commercial painting and residential painting. A pro is a pro, after all, and isn’t all painting basically the same thing? The short answer is: not really. Of course, the basics are the same no matter how large the job....
by CBP of Arizona | Jun 20, 2017 | Commercial Painting, Residential Painting, Sun-Damage
Sunlight works a number on most materials and surfaces, especially when that sun is as powerful as what we get in the Phoenix valley. Heat and sunlight degrade plastics, wood, paint, and much more. The type of damage sustained depends on the type of material,...
by CBP of Arizona | Jan 23, 2017 | Commercial Painting, Residential Painting
For an exterior, waterproof finish that holds up against heat and cold, sunlight and rain, many contractors choose elastomeric paint. These paints create a thick coating that adheres to most masonry surfaces, such as concrete block and stucco, as well as wood and...
by CBP of Arizona | Jan 23, 2017 | Commercial Painting, Residential Painting
Everyone understands the importance of maintaining the aesthetic appeal of a commercial building in order to appeal to customers and clients. Business owners and property managers want to ensure anyone coming in or even just driving by sees an attractive,...
by CBP of Arizona | Oct 27, 2015 | Commercial Painting, Residential Painting
If you’re looking for Painting Contractors in Phoenix, AZ, look no further than CBP of Arizona – our quality work can be seen throughout the region for homes, businesses of all sizes, and community centers. Our custom work will be done to your specifications and...
by CBP of Arizona | Feb 27, 2015 | Commercial Painting, Commercial Painting FAQs, Painting FAQs, Painting Resources
Experienced commercial contractors only use paint from top brands, such as Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore. Beware of low-cost contractors, as they typically use cheaper paint to reduce their overhead expenses. When you consider the fact that commercial painting...