Monochromatic Color Wheel

Monochromatic color wheel highlighting light to dark shades of blue.

Child's Bedroom with Monochromatic Red Colors

The monochromatic color used in this bedroom is red with deep and light shades.

Master Bedroom with Monochromatic Reds

Red is the monochromatic color with different shades are used on the walls and furnishings.

Monochromatic Use of Brown in Bedroom

This bedroom’s monochromatic color is brown with tasteful compliments of its shades.

Green Monochromatic Living Room Decor

This monochromatic use of green shows how each variation works well with the others.

Kitchen with Monochromatic Blue

Blue is this kitchen’s monochromatic color with different shades used in the furnishings.

As the name seems to suggest, a monochromatic paint scheme uses one color in almost every room surface. In this kind of scheme, it is normal to include paler tints of the main color, grayer tones, and different darkened shades in the palette. It is often the case where the chosen color is paired with white or another neutral color.

For instance, you may choose blue in your monochromatic color scheme and pair this single shade of blue with white for your paint colors. If this sounds like it could lead to a dull result, bear in mind that it could consist of pale blue walls, dark blue upholstery fabric, a rug that combines blue, plus white and medium blue curtains. Suddenly, you have a color scheme that makes sense and looks fabulously inviting.

Tips for Utilizing Monochromatic Paint Colors

While some may suggest that a monochromatic color scheme is boring, it is anything but when used right. Take a moment to read over our tips for this scheme:

1. You can create a multitude of possibilities using a single color. For example, you could pick orange and add a touch of white paint for lighter tints, a bit of black for a darker shade, a drop of gray to tone it down, or add more of the main color to make it brighter and fuller.

2. Experiment with shades of a color. Once you experiment with a monochromatic paint scheme, you quickly discover that there are a surprising number of possibilities.

3. Don’t veer away from your chosen paint scheme. Always remember that if you decide to choose the monochromatic paint scheme, use shades, tints, and tones of the chosen color to enhance the scheme.

Monochromatic Paint Scheme Pros & Cons

Pros: In a monochromatic paint scheme, you find that the colors go together extremely well. It is very easy to manage and always looks visually appealing and balanced. It can be used to create a mood and by adding in white, black, or gray, it is possible to create an astonishing array of new shades.

Cons: The monochromatic paint scheme lacks color contrast and if you want something a bit more vibrant, it is probably better to opt for something like the complementary paint scheme.

See also:

Complementary Paint Schemes
Analogous Paint Schemes
Double Contrast Paint Schemes
Split Complementary Paint Schemes
Triadic Paint Schemes