For most consumers, home interiors are all about the coordination of color and style, but in the modern era, the “old” and rigid rules of color have been tossed aside to make way for creativity. Your home’s interior should be a reflection of your personality, which means choosing the right color shades. The trouble is that there are thousands of shades to choose from.

Fortunately, we can help you with your search by offering five of the best paint colors for 2015. Look through them carefully to see if any match your interior design goals.

1. Marsala

Marsala Color House Paint

This has been named Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2015 and is an earthy wine red designed to enrich body, mind, and soul. Marsala is a full-bodied color that makes a real impact and can be used as a strong accent to other colors. It is deemed to be a natural fit for the kitchen and dining room because it is a nurturing and fulfilling color. Marsala is also exceptional when added to textured surfaces because its characteristics are enhanced, so consider it when upholstering living room furniture or when choosing rugs.

2. Aquamarine

Aquamarine Paint Color Variations

This is a cool, calming, and ethereal color that provides a wet and watery feel to any room in the home. It is an open and expansive color that acts as a stress reliever. Although Marsala is deemed to be the Color of the Year, it is only Number 9 on the most-used list, whereas aquamarine is Number 1, with more than 16 percent of designers using it. While you may associate it with the bathroom, aquamarine really works well in the living room as you seek to relax after a stressful and tiring day.

3. Tangerine

Tangerine Painted Interior Wall

If you are looking for a quirky color scheme that brightens up the home, start dreaming of tangerine! It is a spontaneous, juicy orange shade that is energizing but far from an eyesore. It is a fun color with an edge that can be used in the kitchen to spice things up as you try to create delicious food.

4. Custard

Custard Colored Bathroom Paint

This is yet another great color choice for the kitchen or bathroom. This delicious and delectable shade of yellow is a sunny and sweet offering that provides lots of cheer and allows you to dream of summer afternoons. It is also a shade that conjures thoughts of relaxation and comfort food, which of course makes it an ideal winter color, as the Christmas season is all about food!

5. Toasted Almond

Toasted Almond Wall Paint in Hallway

This is one of the colors of spring and summer; toasted almond is a sun-tanned neutral shade that offers warmth and provides a late spring or early summer feel. As well as being an authentic and natural color, toasted almond is versatile and timeless, so it belongs in any room in your home.

As you can see, all of the above colors offer something unique, and it’s likely you will find one that really fits your personality and is ideal for what you are trying to achieve with your interior painting in Phoenix or elsewhere.